“Since I started working with Ryan as my SaaS CEO Coach, my company has grown its annual sales by over 10x. I couldn’t have done it without working with Hill Canyon. Ryan is an incredible SaaS leader and entrepreneur from whom I have learned so much. I've learned so much about unit economics and growing my business. I recommend all SaaS entrepreneurs work with Ryan and his team.”

- Derek Johnson, CEO of Tatango

“Working with Ryan has skyrocketed my results. My leads are up, my sales are up, and venture investors are now knocking down my door to get into my company. I've known of Ryan since I first read his book Zero to One Million in 2008. Ryan is a genius entrepreneur, CEO coach, and community builder. Now many years later, I'm thrilled to be working directly with him and his team.”

- Brandon Bornacin, CEO of Seamless.ai

“"I started Magic, a digital marketing agency, after attending Ryan’s workshop in Los Angeles. Magic surpassed a $1M run rate in our first year of business, and we couldn’t have done that without Ryan. He’s helped me get some of my largest clients, meet values-aligned team members, and learned the science behind unit economics and how to scale my business. Working with Ryan has paid itself back 1,000 times over, and has had a priceless impact on my development as a person and as a leader."

- Marcus McNeill, CEO of Magic

"I lead a software company in Cardiff, UK that has the mission of building the world's easiest contact center software. Ryan is helping me to scale my call center software company to 8 figures faster and is helping me raise venture capital. Ryan has made the difference in Datalyse becoming a GREAT company instead of just a good company. From what I've learned, I have reshaped my core foundations and the habits needed for personal and business success."

- Marc Castro, CEO of Datalyse, Cardiff, UK.

"“Ryan is very gifted at helping CEOs find clarity. I love working with him. If you have the chance to work with Ryan to scale your B2B SaaS company, do it.”

- Gabe Padva, CEO of Revenue Accelerator, Palo Alto, CA

“Ryan has helped me build GreenPacket into a $160M per year in revenues publicly traded company. I am thankful for his weekly coaching and guidance along the way.”

- CC Puan, CEO of GreenPacket

“During my time working with Ryan I have grown my annual sales from $43M to $95M. Ryan has given me direction and focus. I have found that entrepreneurship can be lonely and confusing at times with so many people giving you different direction Ryan has allowed me to focus on the things that matter the most. Ryan helped me refine my purpose and company mission, shift my internal culture, and helped me meet CEOs from all over the world.  He will change your way of thinking about your own business.”

- Toriqual Islam, CEO of AmanTex